Saturday, November 8, 2014


The train ride to Bucharest was easy and much more comfortable than if I had gone by car or mini van.  My hotel for the next three days is costing me nothing due to points---The Radisson Blu.

On to Bucherist

An easy day, I took one last walk around town then grabbed a cab to take me to the train station.  A 3 hour train ride later and I arrived at Bucharest. The 1st class car while not opulent made for an easy ride as I read my book.  I came out of the train station but could not get a cab to take me to the hotel. I need to work on my language skills. I found someone for like 3 bucks so we went to my hotel the Raddisson Blu. Again, I used points and for 2 nights of points, I got the 3rd night free. A nice deal...

Hotel Review: Bella Muzica


Very good wifi
Big room
City center
Great staff very helpful
Good breakfast
Great town, great experience at the hotel.

No room service
And could not connect VPN
My room was about $108 a night a deluxe double. I would have settled for a single, smaller room for less price but hotel gets crowded.

Signs II

Happy Occasions....

All kinds of Signs....

The other side of the rainbow

This is as such poor living I did not have the geart to take my own photos..
Gypsy living....

Brasov Food II

My favorite place to hang out. This 19th cent. Cafe was a haunt for writers, dissenters, trouble malers, mooks and students.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brasov Food

A wonderful seafood risotto...

This place you got your drink in a Bleeker 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Medieval Town: Sigisoara

Sigisoara Fortress, built by the Saxon colonists living in Transylvania who had to watch over the frontiers of the Hungarian kingdom in the 12th and 13thcenturies A.C., the fortress gathered inside its walls Saxon, Romanian and Hungarian craftsmen. That’s the reason why the citadel was named in all the three languages: SCHAESSBURGSIGHISOARA, and SEGESVAR. More than that, the craftsmen were organized in guilds, each of them administrating a defense tower. The defense walls are 960 meters long, and of the 17 towers there are only nine left, except for the clock tower. 
The place where Dracula was born....

Fortified Church: Viscri

We arrive at Viscri village to visit the enchanting Viscri Evangelist Fortified Church ,which is one of a series of UNESCO-listed historic churches in Romania, located on top of a hill that towers above the area, the church is ringed by two rows of walls and has 4 defensive towers, one of which is particularly huge, erected in 1494. Today Viscri is home to only 25 Saxons, as most of them left for Germany, following the fall of the communist regime. Many of the Saxon deserted houses were in danger of collapse, though a number of them have been rescued thanks to Prince Charles.